Blinctrip Coupons

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Get ₹700 OFF on One-Way Journeys

Get ₹700 OFF on One-Way Journeys

Book your flight and get Rs 700 OFF
Book Flight ticket online and Get Flat ₹700 OFF per person for one-way international travel. Use the Promo Code at the checkout page and Get the Offer.
Get Flat ₹1,400 OFF Per Person for Return international travel
Book your flight tickets and Get ₹1400 OFF per person for return international travel.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Offer valid on using coupon code at checkout page. Visit landing page and book now.
1. Applicable per traveler on international flights to and from India. 2. Use the given promo code to avail this offer.
Get ₹300 OFF on Your First Flight Booking

Get ₹300 OFF on Your First Flight Booking

Sign Up & Get Up to Rs 300 OFF
Register and Get ₹300 OFF on Your 1st Flight Booking.
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Blinctrip Coupon Codes, Sale Offers & Deals

Sign UpGet ₹300 in Blincpay Wallet
Convenience FeeAvail 100% OFF
SitewideUp to 50% OFF

Best Offers on Booking

  • Get ₹300 Welcome Bonus in Your Blinctrip Wallet When You Sign Up!
  • Get Up to 50% Off Booking on Selected Domestic & International Tickets (Use Code - SYTD10822)
  • Get Flat ₹100 Off on Every Seat Booking ( Use Code - BT0423)
  • Get Flat ₹500 Off Booking Tickets on One Way International Travel (Use Code - DIINTL822)


Blinctrip is an online platform that offers flight ticket booking and trip planning services. The platform allows customers to search and book flights to destinations around the world. The platform offers a user-friendly interface, making it easy for customers to search for and book flights based on their preferred travel dates, destinations, and budget. Blinctrip offers competitive pricing and real-time information on flight schedules and availability, helping customers find the best deals on their flights.


Blinctrip is an excellent choice for travelers looking for a comprehensive travel booking platform that offers both flight booking and trip planning services. With its user-friendly interface, competitive pricing, and excellent customer service, Blinctrip has earned its reputation as one of the leading online travel booking platforms.


1. Does booking have discounts?

Become a Genius member and enjoy discounts of up to 50% off.

2. How to get 50% off on flight tickets?

Book any ​domestic one-way flight or hotel of your choice from 12 noon onwards, till limited bookings last. ​To avail Flat 50% discount simply enter coupon code CT50AIR for flight or CT50HOTEL for hotel bookings.

3. Which is discount code?

Discount codes are personalized or publicly-released codes offered to customers as a purchasing incentive that reduces the price of an order.

4. Can I walk into an airport and buy a ticket?

Can You Buy a Flight at the Airport? Believe it or not, this question is worth asking, and the simple answer is yes. You can still buy a flight at the airport.

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